New Zealand’s Wallpaper Experts Since 1960
Shurstik Blue Granulated Paste (code PW400, PW2000, PW5000)
  • SKU: PW400
  • Availability: 142 in Stock, Ready to Ship Many in stock Out of Stock Out of stock, shipping in approx. 2-4 weeks

Shurstik Blue Granulated Paste (code PW400, PW2000, PW5000)

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How Many Rolls Will I Need?
0 roll
*This calculator is intended as a guide only. Please be sure to use the correct measurements. If in doubt, seek advice from your retailer. Aspiring Walls will not be responsible for overage or shortage based on this calculator.

Shurstik Blue granulated paste is a high-tack, low-moisture adhesive formulated specifically for hanging Paste-The-Wall (non-woven) wallcoverings. Simply add water and mix per packet instructions.

DILUTION - 100g paste: 1 litre water


400g - approx 4 rolls

2kg - approx 20 rolls

5kg - approx 50 rolls

Additional Information
Pattern No: PW400
Width (CM): cm
Length (M): M
Pattern Match Type: -
Pattern Match Repeat (CM): -
Type Description: -
Application Type:
Cleaning Properties:
Delivery Lead Time: ETA approx 2-4 Weeks if Out of Stock
Fire Rating: -

Shurstik Blue Granulated Paste (code PW400, PW2000, PW5000)


Beeline All Purpose Flake Wallpaper Adhesive (code HBDPFN0F, HBDPFN0T)


Shurstik Green Granulated Size (code GS100, GS200, GS400, GS2000, GS5000)


Shurstik Red Granulated Paste (code GP100, GP200, GP400, GP1000, GP2000, GP5000)


Metylan Special Paste (code METMETY-W2)


Mako Snap Off Knife – 18mm (code 816920SB)


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