New Zealand’s Wallpaper Experts Since 1960

Paste & Tools

Choose from a range of different types of paste and tools for your next wallpapering job.


Shop By Color


    Shurstik Blue Granulated Paste (code PW400, PW2000, PW5000)


    Beeline All Purpose Flake Wallpaper Adhesive (code HBDPFN0F, HBDPFN0T)


    Shurstik Green Granulated Size (code GS100, GS200, GS400, GS2000, GS5000)


    Shurstik Red Granulated Paste (code GP100, GP200, GP400, GP1000, GP2000, GP5000)


    Metylan Special Paste (code METMETY-W2)


    Mako Snap Off Knife – 18mm (code 816920SB)


    Metylan Pink - Direct Control/ Fleece (code METPINK)


    Vinyl Wallpaper Cleaner (code VC250)


    Beeline Primer/Sealer (code HBSPGN25)
