New Zealand’s Wallpaper Experts Since 1960

Aussie Cool and Warm Tones

A curated selection of wallpaper designs that embody the feel of Australia. From natural grasscloth wallpaper, neutral textures, to Australia's nature and wildlife.

HEY POPPIT Wallpaper Pattern No - COCKATOO (A64311, A64312, A64313)


HEY POPPIT Wallpaper Pattern No - OLLY (64211, 64212, 64213)


MACAU - GRASSCLOTH & CORK Wallpaper Pattern No DZ1543


DESIGNER COLLECTIVE Pattern No 66120 by Wirihana Design


MACAU - GRASSCLOTH & CORK Wallpaper Pattern No 22109


MACAU - GRASSCLOTH & CORK Wallpaper Pattern No LFI113


DESIGNER COLLECTIVE Pattern No 66128 by Wirihana Design
