The theme of the new Pavilion Collection is modern heritage; exploring archive looks with a modern twist. Taking inspiration from the elegant style of British stately homes and gardens, the beautiful designs showcase our contemporary craftsmanship.
Beeline All Purpose Flake Wallpaper Adhesive is suitable for use in hanging all wallpapers including heavyweight, washable, vinyl and blown vinyl. Contains fungicide to inhibit mould growth. Simply add water...
Shurstik Green granulated size is for use in preparing your surface ready for hanging Paste-the Wall (non-woven) wallcoverings. Simply add water and mix per packet instructions. DILUTION - 100g paste:...
Beeline All Purpose Flake Wallpaper Adhesive is suitable for use in hanging all wallpapers including heavyweight, washable, vinyl and blown vinyl. Contains fungicide to inhibit mould growth. Simply add water...
Shurstik Green granulated size is for use in preparing your surface ready for hanging Paste-the Wall (non-woven) wallcoverings. Simply add water and mix per packet instructions. DILUTION - 100g paste:...